Working Group Information
Chaired by Stef Coninx, this working group dealt with the use and sharing of information in the music sector by different actors such as music libraries & archives, music information centres, music export offices, (policy) advisory institutions, etc. Data collection, the use of databases and the application of different kinds of IPR (and privacy issues) are also addressed.
Data collection
- Data collection should be standardised at European level.
- Existing databases should be compared to identify connections and overlaps.
- A Music Observatory (similar to the European Audiovisual Observatory) should be created. It would educate, build capacity, and represent the music sector’s three perspectives: “music as a tool”, “music as a product” and “music as an art form”.
- Public institutions should play a role in data collection in order to guarantee a stability that business cannot (e.g., if Spotify were to disappear, its collection function would also disappear).
- More than one party should handle data collection to maintain “check and balances”.
Use of data
- Access to data on authors’ rights needs to be easier.
- Digital data should be used in part to understand (and therefore develop) audiences.
- A harmonised rights system that reflects the diversity of the music sector should be developed.
- A comparison of the different digital strategies of EU governments should be undertaken.