
The European Agenda for Music is much more than a policy document. It is a way-marker for the music sector itself.

If the music sector can come together across Europe with all the stakeholders, it should be possible to achieve a similar momentum nationally, regionally or locally. And this would immeasurably strengthen the sector.

The EAM is a living product and the process is continuous.

Free order

Share the European Agenda for Music with your members or conference audience for inspiration! Get your free order of the EAM brochure and/or postcards. Postcards are available for each key theme. You can order a complete set or just those that are of interest for you!

Cultural policy

Use the EAM as conversation starter with political stakeholders. As for your advocacy work: the EAM will give your talking points more leverage!



Are you interested in translating the European Agenda for Music into your own language? The European Agenda for Music is already available in 6 different languages such as French, German, Polish, Dutch, Latvian and Hungarian.

Learn from others

Get inspired by others. You could develop a similar roadmap for your specific field and use the structure of the EAM as a blueprint!


Help to make your challenges heard with a webinar. An example is the webinar “European Agenda for Access to Music Education”.

Create an event

Create an event with national and international stakeholders such as the Polish Music Council did. Discuss the challenges and joined actions to provide a sustainable future for music.

Your cultural policy work


key themes



This policy paper was created on the basis of the expertise of 70 European music experts and an extensive survey among the European music industry in a two year process. The 9 key themes provide an easy understanding of the European music sector and clear measures needed for a thriving music culture.

Learn more on the process in this short video:

Create a webinar

Share the problems you have and generate new ideas

With the support of the European Music Council you can facilitate a Webinar and discuss the challenges of your sector!

Watch this webinar discussing music education as key for a sustainable future of both our societies as well as for music as an art form and as a social practice. 

In cooperation with the Association of European Conservatoires, the European Association of Music in Schools and the European Music School Union.

Free order

Contact us and order post cards for your events. This is the perfect opportunity to inspire your audience!
Are you involved in cultural policy? Get our post cards and booklet to start a conversation with political stakeholders.

Discuss the agenda

At the Showcase European Agenda for Music 2018 stakeholders from the music sector met and discussed the Agenda and how to create pathways to ensure a healthy music eco-system over the next 10 years.

support the agenda

Show your support by posting on Social Media the EAM supporter logo. Other supporters have also included the supporter logo on their website or in print material.


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what others experienced

Many other organisation have already witnessed how helpful the Agenda can be. For some it was successful national policy work as it got more leverage with the European perspective. Others have used the structure to formulate a more detailled policy paper for their specific sector. Yet others use it to form new cooperations with a focus on overcoming the obstacles formulated in the Agenda.

“The European Agenda for Music was a useful tool for us to work on the strategy for the future of the sector of collective singing, both in the Singtank who started working on a strategy for the sector in general in 2018, and for our board and team who suggested a new strategy for the association to the membership in 2020.”

European Choral Association - Europa Cantat

“Based on the EAM document, emphasizing the cultural value of European culture, as well as the importance of music education, the Latvian National Music Council supported the initiative of Latvia music industry participants to make changes in Latvian government regulations to reduce the music lessons in schools. As a result of the initiative, the decision to reduce the music lessons in schools was canceled.”


Latvian National Music Council

“From lounge music in beach bars to orchestras in historic concert houses, from death metal bands to folk ensembles, the European music sector is as massive as it is diverse. With the agenda, it now has a common ground showcasing that differences are actually complementarities. It makes the EU motto “united in diversity” a reality in music!”


European Music School Union

”The whole agenda constitutes an (almost) exhaustive reference of the problems of musical practice, of the stakes and contexts, of the means and public policies, and I have been using it on several occasions as a source of inspiration and resource for exchanging or working on a topic.”

Plate-Forme Interrégionale

What the press says

Backstage Pro

Bei der European Agenda for Music handelt es sich um ein Manifest, dass die kollektiven Bedürfnisse der europäischen Musikbranche bündelt und präsentiert. Weiterhin legt es Prioritäten für zukünftige Entwicklungen innerhalb des Sektors dar.

Schweizer musikzeitung

Ein hilfreicher Baustein in der europäischen Kulturpolitik!

Arts Professional

A new policy paper calls for continued freedom of movement, and claims music helps promote the values that unite Europeans, such as equality.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Contact us if you would like to receive copies of the brochure European Agenda for Music, post cards of the 9 key themes or you would like to collaborate with us!

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